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Sociology Department Students Have Been Granted Support for Scientific Research Projects and Thesis Studies

Sociology Department Students Have Been Granted Support for Scientific Research Projects and Thesis Studies
Our students Aysylu Saetgaraeva, Ertugrul Gazi Celik, Dhilruba Kallepadath Ibrahim and Muhammad Bilal Bin Jamal were entitled to benefit from various supports offered by our University.

Department of Sociology students Aysylu Saetgaraeva, Ertuğrul Gazi Çelik, Dhilruba Kallepadath Ibrahim and Muhammad Bilal Bin Jamal were awarded BAP and thesis grants within Ibn Haldun University in the context of their important projects.

Ertuğrul Gazi Çelik has been awarded support through the Scientific Research Projects (BAP) program for his study, titled “The Impact of Bilingualism on Social Relationship Dynamics and Linguistic Strategies: The Case of Turkish Migrants in Germany”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Alev Erkilet. His research aims to analyze the bilingual practices (Turkish-German) of families who migrated from Turkey to Germany for economic or social reasons and to examine the effects of bilingualism on their social lives.

Dhilruba Kallepadath Ibrahim has been awarded a Thesis Support Fund for her study titled “Unacknowledged Narratives: Memon's Role in the Urban Development of Kochi, India”, supervised by Prof. Dr. Irfan Ahmaed. This research explores the overlooked role of the Kutchi Memon community in shaping Kochi’s urban landscape and investigates why their contributions have remained unacknowledged. By addressing historical oversights, the study aims to highlight the importance of recognizing marginalized narratives in the city’s urban and social evolution.

Muhammad Bilal Bin Jamal has also been awarded a Thesis Support Fund for his study, “In the Name of Dignity: Pursuit of Meenakshipuram Residents for Social Justice and Islam”, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Irfan Ahmaed. This study delves into the pursuit of social justice and Islam by the residents of Meenakshipuram.

We congratulate these distinguished students and faculty members from our department on their achievements and take pride in their contributions to the field of sociology.
